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Employing Educators
This is what it costs to employ educators. Imake a Difference funded this for a year.
R78,000 per year, R39,000 for 6 months, R19,500 per quarter or R6700 per month
In the Kwa Zulu Natal area there are several hot spots where locals live very close to the animals and yet know very little about them. They often see the rhino as belonging to the 'rich white man' and not as part of their heritage. Education is the best defence against this major problem. Wildlife Act Fund employs educators and Community Conservation Liaison Officers to work with the local communities. This programme involves getting the community in to game parks to see the rhino and educating them about the "Circle of Life" and how the whole community benefits from jobs as well as the unique wildlife heritage that must be preserved for their children and grandchildren.