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Imake a Difference's Supporter Trip to South Africa 2014 - Day 2


The next day we got up at dawn and went to check out the sea. Amazing orangey yellow sand with large waves crashing on the shore. Great surfing beach and also obviously a prime fishing spot as there were many fisherman standing on the rocks with their lines out. Salt Rock is a very popular holiday town. The number of people increases hugely over holiday periods. I can see why, the place is beautiful.

Then we head off on our 4 hour road trip to Somkhanda Reserve. A very pleasant journey, we drove past rows and rows of sugar cane plants and eucalyptus trees which they use to make paper. There were also these yellow coloured trees which they call the fever tree, as they used to think that the trees were causing fever symptoms. But rather than it being the trees, it was the people contracting maleria from the mosquitoes, as these trees grow in really swampy areas, where there are a lot mosquitoes.

Another thing we found very unique was the African people walking along the main highway. We couldn't work out where they could be walking to, they must walk for miles. No wonder the majority of them look very fit. Also the taxis are funny to see, they pack about 16 people into one van.

Then we made it to where we have been all waiting for, The Somkhanda Reserve. We unload our bags from the vehicle and put them into our allocated tents. I was lucky enough to be bunking with Ingrid. I'm not sure I would sleep too much if I was in a tent by myself, especially having to walk to toilet in the middle of the night by myself. You just have to think positively and say to yourself, there will be no animals on my way :).

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