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"The Grainfather is a great all in one brewing system. It is incredibly easy to use. I have used it dozens of times and have made some amazing beers. Anything from the simplest lager or golden ale right up to 9% double IPAs, Imperial Stouts and Wee Heavys.
With the Grainfather being an all in one unit, brewing is faster, there is less risk of infection and you make great beer. I cannot recommend this enough to brewers of all levels."
Andrew Childs, Head Brewer and Owner, Behemoth Brewing Company, New Zealand

"I was thoroughly impressed by the Grainfather brewing system. It was easy to use and would be the perfect fit for any experimental batches that a commercial brewery wants to trial. The fact that you can set thermostats and pumps and leave it to work it’s magic means that you can brew and do other brewery work at the same time. Or maybe just buy a brewery sofa and have a nap while it's doing its thing!"
Kelly Ryan, Head Brewer, Fork and Brewer, New Zealand

"Our Grainfather has given us the ability to have our very own pilot plant and trial beers before we brew them on our commercial plant. The ultimate test was to brew our flagship, 'Sleck Dust' beer on the Grainfather and the finished product was as good as the beer produced on our commercial plant, need I say more?"
Matthew Hodgson, Brewery Owner, Great Newsome Brewery, UK

"Never in the field of beer brewing, has so much been owed by so many, to one piece of brewing kit.
I've been using the Grainfather for the last few months and found that:
• It's easy to use
• It's convenient
• It's compact
• Any step functions you might want are easy to control with amazing speed between steps
• The wort and beer quality created is excellent
All in all, a fantastic unit that makes your brew day fast, efficient and enjoyable with the added bonus of creating amazing quality wort."
James Kemp, Champion Homebrewer 2008, Award Winning Commercial Brewer; Buxton Brewery UK, Fuller's Brewery UK, Thornbridge Brewery UK, UK

"I've been using the Grainfather for nearly a year, and I've just upgraded. I've gone from brewing around 30 pints each time to near 40,000!!! I have recently started my new job as part of the brewing team in one of the UK's top breweries, and it's all thanks to the Grainfather. (Well....and partly me being a decent bloke!).

It was the Grainfather, with it's fantastic design that got me started in brewing and enabled me to realise my passion for making beer. Thanks to this passion, I was offered a position of becoming one of a four man brewing team. Cheers Grainfather! (I will of course still be brewing with my Grainfather at home.)"
Simon, Brewer, Butcombe Brewery, UK.

"We bought a Grainfather a couple of months ago so that we could enter a local homebrew competition at Mike's brewery in Taranaki.
13 teams competing with most people having years of brewing experience.
The competition involved taking your grain extraction kit to the brewery and using a suggested recipe to produce a American IPA.
We are completely new to homebrewing and had previously made one extract brew and used the Grainfather only once to make a Jacked Up! APA two weeks before the competition so that we had some idea how it worked!
Anyway as you probably guessed, we won the competition with our recipe named 'Rain in the Face' and now get to brew our beer on a large scale at the brewery which will be released at Oktoberfest.
Just thought you'd like to hear the story of how the Grainfather allowed a group of very amateur brewers win such a competition."
Ben Tarrant, Joe Emans & Charlie Brown, Bellend Brewing, Winner's of Taranaki SOBA's Judgment Day Homebrew Competition 2015, New Zealand

"After hearing the Grainfather was going to be released, I just had to have one. After a quick demo from the team when I was visiting Beervana, I was sold.
I have used it almost every weekend since and it has never skipped a beat. My beers even scored a few medals at the national homebrew comps.
If you are thinking of moving to all grain, or just want to make better beer, I can’t recommend this unit enough. It makes brew days so easy, and so much fun, and you can’t beat a system like it at that price.”
Brendan Cowan, First Grainfather Customer, New Zealand

"I have been homebrewing for a few years now and I am always looking for ways to improve my process and make brew days easier. Brewing all grain in a flat can be a battle with limited space and a small family, the Grainfather solves these problems.
I have had the most stress-free brew days with the Grainfather and the clearest wort since homebrewing.
The grainfather is the best all in one compact system money can buy at present."
Grant, Transport Manager, UK

I began home brewing in 2001 and progressed through the facets of brewing from canned kit beers through to all grain brewing also obtaining a qualification as a BJCP recognised beer judge.
I had lost my brewing 'mojo' since becoming a shift worker and time became restrictive and it seemed to take a while to get set up on my 4 vessel H.E.R.M.S. It was stored in the garage with the 'overflow' storage and was outside of the house.
Not having a dedicated brewing space in my home before, the Grainfather easily packs down and resides in a cupboard inside the house now. The Grainfather is a quick and easy start up whenever I feel like now. The clean up is just easy as its only 1 vessel, and Im finished cleaning before i know it; and have a quality brew in the cube or fermenter at the end of a couple of relaxing hours of fun brewing.
If you are thinking of building your own brewery, like I had, DON'T. Now here's the Grainfather...The option 'Too good to refuse'
Lindsay Sbrana, Train Guard, Australia

"I was one of the lucky ones to get the new Grainfather out of the first shipment, I have been all grain brewing for 2 years now using a machine 5 times the price of the Grainfather. It was however a 50 L unit and it was a bit big for me to brew with on my own.
When I saw the Grainfather was launching a 20 L all grain brewing system I put my order in. I've done a number of brews in it now and I am amazed at how well it works, the efficiency is miles ahead of the last system I was using and it's a fifth of the price. Every part of this system has been thought out and designed perfectly, I especially like the counter flow cooler, I have never been able to chill my beer so fast. This is a winning product. I highly recommend the Grainfather to anyone who is interested in brewing their own beer."
Mike, Self Employed Joiner, New Zealand

"I had been wanting to get into all grain brewing for a number of years but was put off doing so due to a lack of space and the price of competing all in one brewery systems. When I heard that the Grainfather was coming out, I was quick to put my name down to secure one from the first shipment.
The system is easy to use and well tailored for beginners, meaning the transition from kit brewing to all grain brewing couldn’t have been smoother. The thorough and easy to follow instructions, as well as the online videos, have made making craft beer quality beers at home a breeze. The quality of the system has well and truly exceeded my expectations and I look forward to brewing quality beers for years to come."
Merijn, Student, New Zealand